The Ending.

We are almost at the end of the school year. All we have left is to graduate and go on through life after High-school. I will be explaining some of my ideas after high school and what to go on with.

I recently started a job in Elkhart, at the grain bin company. I have been taking a work place class at school to be able to leave at 1:24 pm to go straight to work. I started about 3 weeks ago doing odds and ends helping my boss and coworkers out. I only knew 1 person when I came but eventually you start talking to people and get to know them. We have 4 facilities within 40 miles between each other. I do everything from cleaning the “house” , to putting an auger into a bin to spin everything into another bin. I did my first train over the weekend and worked 24 hours. Basically, just standing on top of the train with a harness, closing each bin and every 6 or 7 train cars, our coworker moves the train down and gets 6 or 7 more. It takes about 45 minutes to an hour to fill 6 or 7 and then moving them to get new ones takes longer. It’s not really hard work but time consuming. A lot of people think it’s hard work but if you listen and learn from other people, you would have no problem. I still don’t know a lot of things so I’m learning as I go. My plan is to tell my boss here before graduation that I’m ready to start a new adventure and that I appreciate him letting me come work for him.

Wow! 2 weeks left of high school and onto the big world. No mommy or daddy paying for things anymore and having to find a real job and work. The next move is graduation. May 13th and i’m counting down the days to be out of here. Our last day is May 3rd and if you have to take finals, you have to come back on the 4th and the 5th. Then there’s graduation practice walking across the stage on May 10th and then we graduate May 13th. Finally the last day of coming back to High School is coming up. I find it a little weird that i’m 18 and still in here but luckily I won’t be soon. Then it’s onto boot camp and getting deployed.

May 29th, 2023. This is the day I get deployed to Fort Benning, Georgia. I have gone through the MEPS facility to get OK’ed to leave. I will be doing some college classes while i’m there to become some sort of highway patrol when I get out. That’s where I will leave this at, it’s been good but i’m onto better. Peace out English class and I will not miss this!

Sneak peak

A little break talking about school. The next blog post will also be about my weekend. So with that being said, let me inform you on how my weekend went.

To start, Friday we had school and it was just as normal as any other day of school. I went home and enjoyed the alright weather. I was just sitting around waiting until 4:30 so I could go to the gym. I hit chest and forearms and that was my last week of doing those sets and reps. I’ve started a new pattern I can continue from now on. I did not stay up late Friday and I can’t remember why. Mr Dave stayed the night Friday and Saturday but like any other weekend, it doesn’t affect me. As long as I can sleep and continue to do what I usually do, it’s alright. Saturday during the day, it was almost as boring as Friday during school. I believe I played games until Dave got done working and he came over. We chilled and did some more chilling until we found something to do. We went out to eat at like 10:30 and then went back to my house and I told him that I had something to do so he left. No hard feelings but being with someone for long amounts of time can get annoying but it’s alright because it’s Dave. Anyway, I’ve been grinding out this game called Rocket League probably for the last year and let me tell you, a game that can be so addicting yet can make you mad at the same time.

Rocket League, car soccer that takes a bunch of skill to get good. It’s got all different sorts of cars and decals, emblems to paint and wheel selections. It also has different game modes like 2v2’s and 3v3’s. They also have ranked so you can play competitive and training sessions too. I spend most of my time training so I can learn new skills and be better with the ball. I watch a lot of videos of pro players also. Last year I grinded out ranked 2’s and it was probably the most difficult thing ever because no teammates ever play the same so it’s hard finding someone to play your style. I recently started playing ranked 3’s because more people means better players and I really wanted to hit Champion. I recently just hit champ and still grindin to become better and better the more I play. As long as my teammates are determined, I am too!

Classes at The beginning of School

Starting a new semester so going back to the beginning of my posts about school. I’m going to touch base talking about picking classes for each and every school year. Just advice and not saying you should but i’m going to explain mine and what has helped.

Freshman year is more than likely the hardest time picking classes because your young and coming into a brand new school and if you don’t know what you’re doing then it’s going to be hard. Other than that, if you do know what the classes are then you should be fine. Of course you have to take classes like science, math and English. Spanish was something you had to take but they changed it over the years. Anyways, I liked Spanish class so I took it and didn’t have a problem with it. I took 2 woods classes, woods class and basic drafting. It was great because the woods class was right next to the parking lot so I didn’t have to walk through the school to leave. Health was another class you had to take, the homework was straight forward, there was just a lot of it for no reason. I basically copied and pasted my answers because I know most things about “health”. Other than that, I took drivers ed and passed through that. Basically don’t lose nothing in that class like notes or homework and just pay attention. That was the end of my freshman year.

Sophomore year was the year to talk about. Probably the hardest of all years and science and math. Not much really happened sophomore year except we had a fantastic soccer year. Definitely could’ve went to state and more but stuff happens. there’s not much to talk about my sophomore year. I took advanced woods class and learned more but this was right before COVID hit bad. I didn’t know much about automotive or electrical classes but I wish I would’ve taken some of Grabers classes before now. He is great at showing and explaining very important information and he actually knows what he’s doing. His room is across the school parking lot so you get to go outside to walk over to his class.

Choose your classes wisely so you have an easier but still fun last 2 years of school.

Career Choice__

Hopefully by now, you know somewhat of what you want to do in life, either a police officer or a teacher. If not any of those you can be a pastor or what about going into the army?

Talking with my grandma in Jr, High, I wanted to be a professional soccer player. I never thought you had to have an actual job. I thought since soccer players make so much money, they just did that for a living. Then she explained to me, they go to college, work and then on top of that play soccer.

Then I went to high school, still playing soccer. Started looking into what I liked and what people did around me. My ex-girlfriend’s mom has a home day care, she watches the old athletic trainers daughter, and I was always around her. So I started asking questions and I thought I would really like that. I liked helping people and they made good money. So then. I was researching a lot about being an Athletic Trainer and where to work. I wanted to do something along the lines at a college or possibly the NFL. Started doing more research and found out you need 4 years of college math and that turned my head completely. Math has been my worst subject throughout school and I can never do good at it. So scratch that idea.

I started doing more searching and thinking. I always told myself I would never go into the army and I don’t know why. I would always get these friend requests on Facebook and wouldn’t ever care because it wasn’t what I had in mind. Then at last, my buddy and I started talking about it and it was something he wanted to do. More talking and thinking, he texted a requiter for me and I started talking to him. We started to meet regularly and got more advanced into it. It was something I really wanted to do now. I started taking the test and went to MEPS. Learning more about what the army actually is. Knowing the jobs they have and where the starting pay is. Also, most of the jobs are far from here and that’s what I like. All the benefits they offer if you do 20 years, you can retire before your 45 and be done.

Just because you know what you want to be, doesn’t mean it can’t always change!

This Winter Break

You ever really need to get out of school so bad because it stresses you out, perfect time is coming for this year’s holiday. This is a school break for everyone to get out and enjoy the cold or be inside. Also the time for finals.

I really dislike the cold but what’s even worse is when it’s cold and windy. I’d rather have it snow and be dead stop wind than to be windy outside. What even is the point of wind in the first place, I get why it rains or why it’s really hot but there’s no need for it. Think of it, you got a wedding planned on this date and this time. It’s supposed to be 78 degrees, sunny and no rain. An hour before, a windy weather warning pops up on the radar and now you have to cancel plans or move inside. Same situation but with rain, some people like rain and have seen plenty of rainy weddings. Summer time is the only excuse I will have for wind.

For me, break is just time off school and away from all the teachers. Nothing will change except waking up early and staying on school nights with friends. I’ll be hanging with dudes, going to the gym and hopefully spending time with my family. I should be off to the military after high school but I have to pass MEPS first which is next week. I’m glad I’ve been working out because basic training is here soon and it requires strength.I think the biggest thing i’m excited for this break is talking to new people or people I used to talk but stopped. There’s been a lot of those people including my sister. I think this will be the best break that I’ll have.


The finals are approaching and everyone is nervously thinking about them. Not for this senior, as long as I turn my homework in and study for test to get good grades then I should be good.

The grades I’ve been aiming for are all B’s but at the beginning of the school year, I got into some trouble and from there my anxiety still hasn’t gone down. When we used to take the SAT’s, the only problem I had was not turning in homework on time or ever. Failing a test and or getting in trouble was the go to because soccer wasn’t a part of school so it didn’t matter, just as long as I passed. This year, Senior year, I’m a little worried about taking finals just because I’ve never been good at taking test. Especially since this will affect 10% of my grade and if I do bad then it’ll drop. When going through finals, if i bring everything that I get told and take my time then there should be no problems.

All finals are different in all kinds but related at the same time. Having everything you need to work and not rushing through will benefit so much. The best advice I can give is get as much sleep the night before and drink plenty of water the next day so you’re all ready to go. It’s probably the most boring test ever just sitting there in silence not having anything to do, I also think that you have to leave your phone in your locker while you take the test and no bathroom breaks until everyone’s done. They are an hour and 30 minutes each of just straight testing and quiet rooms. I think the best part about the “finals” is that we get to get our earlier than the actual school day.

Sports Activity

You ever think about trying a sport but not sure if you should? I suggest you do it anyway even if you don’t do any sports. I got suggested wrestling and track my first year, all the way through my senior year of high school.

I tried to wrestle a couple years ago but it didn’t give me what I wanted out of life. Something to take my anger and feel good about. That is why I chose soccer. I played football for a year just to see what it was like. I loved hitting kids but I just couldn’t deal with all the equipment on me and my team could never get along during practices. Just a lot of bad things that gave me a bad experience. I turned back to soccer and started playing like it meant something to me. My dad would kick around the ball with me, I’d have little tournaments at the fields behind Walmart, kick the ball around at home, etc. I would say I would keep playing after college but after college I don’t think i’m good enough to go onto better. My dad was one of my best supporters for soccer, he would always make sure I had everything ready and if I needed something he would go and get it. He was there every game cheering me at ant event I had going on.

If you really think you like a sport, practice it and love having an interest for it, go right ahead and try it. The coaches are nice, you may be able to get out of school early, you get to have fun with your friends and most of all, if your then you’ll maybe get to play varsity. Go out of your comfort zone and Do It!

During School

Getting to class on time should be the only concern anyone has. Our classes used to be 56 minutes and now they are 50 mins and we get out earlier. I would suggest taking early bird so you can leave school sooner than others.

There’s two classes to early bird just like a normal P.E, you have high impact and games. All four years of high school, I’ve taken high impact and every time I regret it for the most part. Don’t get me wrong, I like lifting weights and running some but waking up everyday at 6:00 am kind of gets tiring and puts a toll on my sleeping schedule. I usually don’t go to sleep until late and i’m slowly starting to go back into staying up later since it’s getting hard to sleep. It seems like early bird goes by quick but really it’s the same amount of time as any other classes. Recently there’s been a lot of trouble in the locker rooms about people stealing things and damaging property. My suggestion would be to get in, get dressed, and get out. Instead, people like standing around and talking to other people and just so much happens. Then pretty much throughout the whole school day, walk through the hallways going to your classes. See your friends in some classes and weirdos in others. Get your homework done and make sure you have no late assignments, don’t miss any days of school. Show up, study for the test and do your homework.

All in all, I just feel like school is a MUST. Do what you’re supposed to do here and go home!

School Morning and Nights

You ever feel so tired and not wanting to get up in the morning or so tired and can’t sleep at night? The problems we face as teenagers is that we do not eat healthy and get the right amount of sleep. Your body is always circulating liquids and the best liquid to have in your system is water! I’m going to explain how my day goes till I go to bed, then when I wake up

The very first thing I do when I wake up is turn my alarms off and then turn my fan off. Then, I roll out of bed and go upstairs and grab clothes for my shower. Hygiene is NUMBER 1! After the shower, I brush my teeth, get dressed and put my shoes on. I should eat healthier but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I eat 1 bowl of Frosted Flakes and usually grab an apple and a granola bar to snack on. I leave about 6:50-6:55 am to get to early bird on time. I live about 4-5 mins from the school so it doesn’t take long to get there. I go through the school day and get out of school at 2:18 and then go home, grab workout clothes or I might already have them and just go straight to the gym. Around 3.20 pm, I would go back to the school and be at soccer by 3:30. We usually have a good practice and end at 5:30 pm. Then I have the rest of the day to either be productive and do things at home or go hang with friends and have a good time.

Most nights are when i’ll do my homework when I get home from hanging out with friends. I say “most” because sometimes, I don’t normally come straight home and do homework. I’m never home and always out doing something but make sure i’m doing legal things. I think most people get in trouble because of their peers and not them by themselves. You should always think before you do things and make sure it’s the right thing to do. By all means, make sure you are smart about your decisions and get enough sleep at night!

Foggy day school schedule for Monday Nov. 15 |

The Right’s in School

The first thing we should always do is go to bed early and get to school on time. That should be number one in order to not be tired for school and also not to get in trouble at school either. So many tardys or lates can cause things to be taken away. The next thing should be to eat healthier so you don’t feel miserable at school. Homework is a very big thing even if it’s class or at home. Especially since it’s senior year, grades matter more than any year. Colleges are starting to look around for people or you’re starting to look around for after high school. So keeping up with your homework and focusing on all classes before other activities, should be a priority. Even if you have trouble focusing and trying, you should still try and do as much as you can

The hallways are another problem I hear about. People are not getting to classes on time but just walking around wasting time. The bathrooms aren’t any better because they’re always a bunch of people just talking and hanging out. Especially during lunch time, there are always over 20 kids in the bathroom and that’s how people get caught doing bad things. Teachers always walk in and out and it’s kinda weird when people actually have to use the bathroom. I think teachers should only be allowed to use the teachers bathroom and the kids use their own assigned bathroom. Just a personal opinion.

North Bullitt High School bathroom policy meant to reduce smoking, vaping  and fighting incidents |